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July 11 2023
I grew up in a house that was busy. That’s just the nature of dairy farming
July 5 2023
Growing up on a small family farm in rural Wisconsin, I have always been surrounded by the dairy industry.
July 3 2023
When presented with a problem, we look for a solution. It is human nature to want an answer, but sometimes it is not always easy to find one
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June 28 2023
Ah, farm kids. We’re the best, aren’t we? I may be biased, but also maybe I’m not
June 21 2023
Indulge me for just a moment. I have a complaint to file with Mother Nature. For crying out loud, let it rain
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June 20 2023
I’ve been in a weird situation lately where I want to do more than I can
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June 16 2023
Continuing education comes in many forms. Some students looking to pursue post-high school training in dairy production choose a technical college degree
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June 13 2023
Overseeing and coordinating multiple construction crews has its challenges. A few months ago, I was leading a project that required concrete to be poured
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June 1 2023
As we now move into June, I couldn’t let us move too far on from May — National Mental Health Awareness month — without talking about mental health
May 24 2023
Stress is part of life, and in some ways, it can motivate us to do better and be better
May 19 2023
I took a walk out to our calf hutches last week to begin summer preparations to that area of our farm
May 15 2023
One of the reasons I love hanging out with people in the agricultural community, especially dairy farmers, is because it is so easy to start a conversation about all the classic debates
May 12 2023
I know they are a weed, but I still think dandelions are pretty
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May 9 2023
Who could have predicted that playing video games would become a global billion-dollar industry? And yet, here we are
May 5 2023
If you are an avid reader of Hoard’s Dairyman magazine, you might know a thing or two about the history of the company, the magazine, and the man who started it all
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May 2 2023
My first cow was Star. She was a beautiful, mostly black Holstein that was large in stature and a gentle, old soul-type personality
April 26 2023
Each region has its own weather pattern and thus, its own cropping schedule. In late February I was talking to a dairyman down in Louisiana who was gearing up for corn planting the next week
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April 19 2023
I know that not everyone has loved my last few articles. When I write, I want to make people think and hopefully start a conversation. Having said that, I want you to know that this wasn’t an easy...
April 18 2023
Having grown up in the showring, I love judging showmanship classes and watching different types of young people on the halter
April 17 2023
College has been so busy the last year or so, and I realized I hadn’t seen my beloved show cow from my 4-H days in quite some time. So, when I finally got to visit her and help milk the other day,...